Professional practice Dr. R Doll & J. Konrad Lis

Responsible for the content:
Group practice
Dr. med. R. Doll & J. Konrad Lis
Lingener Strasse 11
49577 Ankum
Telephone: (0 54 62) 83 76
Fax: (0 54 62) 74 21 99
Email: frauenaerzte-ankum@web.de
Internet: www.frauenaerzte-ankum.de
Tax number 67/127/01000
Competent Chamber:
Lower Saxony Medical Association
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 18-22
30625 Hanover
Phone: 0511/380-02
Internet: www.aekn.de
Legal job title:
Dr. med. Doll: Doctor, awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany
Mr. Lis:
Responsible licensing authority:
Dr. med. Doll: Medical Association of Lower Saxony
Mr. Lis:
Professional regulations for doctors in Lower Saxony:
The regulations can be found at
technical and graphic implementation:
Web design & office services
Cosette Brünnel
Rapsweg 1, 49577 Ankum
Telephone: (0 54 62) 20 13 26
Mobile: (01 62) 9 25 12 68
Internet: www.webdesign-ankum.de
Email: webdesign.bruennel@gmx.de
VAT ID No. DE 226 777 221